tisdag 10 juli 2007


and let´s dance tango!
Listen to music every day. Dance everyday whatever you like to dance.Move your body!
Be around positive people. Say good things to each other. Let people know that you love them before it is too late. Travel to places you haven´t seen yet. Do crazy things and laugh a lot.
Life is so short and the death is so long!


1 kommentar:

t2yes sa...

It is extra muy importante to move your body when spending days on a chair behind an office desk!

I restarted my office life end of April this year after a one year break. And I felt a significant change in my body within weeks! Human beings are made to MOVE not to sit!

The same goes for your soul: let it "move", i.e. open up to new ideas, new thoughts, new people, new places...

AAaaahhhh - life is so much fun :o)