söndag 10 april 2011

Eating animals.

Interesting book about eating animals. Jonathan was on the Swedish TV the other night. He told us about his upbringing, his role as a father and an author. His casual questioning took on an urgency. This book reflects upon family traditions, habits, myths etc around farmers and vegetarians, the food we eat or chose not to eat.


söndag 27 mars 2011

Natural tree compound effective at treating MRSA,skin cancer.

Summer is soon coming, take care of your skin. We found this chemical from the cedar needles an abundant and renewable that can be collected annually said co- researcher Brian Thompson. Interesting article in Natural News this week. Read it here http://www.naturalnews.com/031843_MRSA_skin_cancer.html Another article regarding this subject, keep in mind - we are on our way to the summer season, http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/220205.php How to protect your skin, overall. Take a look here are some tips. http://www.everydayhealth.com/skin-and-beauty/skin-care-101/protect-your-skin.aspx