It´s nice to every now and then just go away even for one day.
It gives a lot. Back in Stockholm and the sun is up. Time for my daily walk. Refreshing and rejuvenating. Remember to drink xango juice as well.
Here are my personal reflections written combined with tips and ideas of how to develop yourself in conjunction with others and our planet.
Sitting on the train down south of Sweden to Helsingborg.
A short visit with a boat trip over to Helsingör, Denmark.
It´s amazing how the technology is developed.
I can connect to the net on board the train.
With headphones I am listening to a brain training programme.
You have to try that, powerful stuff.
I will be back in Stockholm tomorrow, Monday morning.
Until then...Chattanoga choo choo!!
Just came home from a great party with old friends!
It´s so fun to catch up with them.One girl she became 50 and her husband 60 and lost of people were showing up. We were out in the garden. Happy birthday out there and have fun!
On rainy days it is great to write articles....
Everything happens for a reason....
Good time for reflections, be with your family and clean up your home. Why don´t you read a book? Sit back and enjoy life.
Tomorrow will be a good day for the rest you need to do.
Enjoy life! Laugh a lot! Have fun!
What a beautiful day,again!
Working in the morning with the computer and then a meeting at a coffee shop,just around the corner. A day to be thankful to. I am looking forward for the rest of the day. I wonder what will happen? Whom will I meet?
"Today I will let my excitment for life´s possibilities spur me on."
Writing late night of the 19th on it´s way to the 20th of July.
Time is really flying away. It´s time to take care of ,yes TIME!
Enjoy what the nature is providing us with.
Take time to stroll around. Talk to people, make the time with friends and family. You know when the fall is around the corner you will be occupied with lots of other stuff. Like work?
What kind of job do you have? Are you happy with that?
If not, have a look at
Be happy as a penguin!
Everyday comes with small miracles.
If they do not occur something is wrong!
Another day for changes.A few days ago an old thought came buy a house. Maybe a little country house or sell my apartment and by a small house. This time of the year I am thinking of my cats.They are indoors every day due to the traffic. I love to let them out but it is not safe.If I put the request to the Universe it might come true. I have to be specific as well. Where it should be and the look at it. Fun! So I leave it to you for today and I wish you all an incredible day! |
What does independency means to you? Have you thought about that? It is a blessing to be independent from thoose demanding,controlling things, persons. But think if we are supposed to be dependent of something,somebody how would that look like? Take a look at the baby.Independent and in no kneed of anything or anybody? Hm.... I am throwing this out as a thought to you.Taste it what it means to you. Have a wonderful day. |
Happy Tuesday to you ALL! The day started great today. A coaching client in the city and then walked back home. 1h walk in sunshine,wow! Back home I wrote an article about an old ,finnish couple that found each other after 60 years! It is never too late and it is not about the age. It is about love! Live and love more! Be happy! ....and check out my never know... |
Good sunny morning! What a difference a sun makes! Off for my daily long walk. Then a meeting with my favourite work,xangojuice. Be open minded for what the day will bring you, you´ll never know! Have fun and make some money at the same time! Look at my websites, |
A crazy start ended up to be a great day! I woke up first at 7,30.My cats were still a sleep and so was my youngest daughter.Raining outside so I went back to bed.Lying and planning my day.Start with a long walk and then interior decoration of my bedroom.Bang fell a sleep again. I woke up past 11 wow! The weather was great so I fixed the breakfast, woke up Beatrice to have the breakfast with me.Then the rain started again! Ok the Universe wants me to be home and fixing with my bedroom.Said and done.After that in to the city to give a new distributor some juice.Made the decision to walk home from the city. Two hours walk with a glass of wine for a stop. I can walk a long the side walk to the water all the way home.Sweden is so beautyful. Welcome or as we say it, Välkommen! |