tisdag 23 juni 2009

Alice-my mother

Happy Birthday and namesday Dear Mother!

Another day passing by and I am thinking of You.
I talk to you in my dreams and thinking of you, not as often as I
used to do. How would your life have been today? What would your
worries have looked like? The world doesn´t look like it did when you were around,I promise ;) I think you would be very proud about your grand daughters and the way I´ve been shaped too. Of course you would be worried about my brothers, as always! But believe me I try to take care of them ;) I wish they could listen more...no I have to listen more to them. Mother did you know I have named my project after you? Feels nice to do that. I wish you a very nice birthday, wherever you are. Bless you Mom and sleep well. I love you!

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